The Procedure for Painless Root Canal in Delhi

When any teeth get severely infected and start decaying or fractured , root canal is the only option to save your teeth. It is essential as the pulp of the tooth get infected and deteriorated. The procedure involves cleaning and removing the infected area and sealing the infected tooth. Many reputed dental clinics provide Painless Root Canal in Delhi.

Many people believe that root canal is very painful treatment. However, with advancement of technology, there are clinics providing Painless Root Canal in Delhi. If the tooth is not treated with root canal procedure when it is needed, it will cause further infection and an abscessed tooth and can spread to the root of the teeth and damage it from the very core. It not only affects your mouth, but it also causes swelling in other areas including face spreading toneck and if it continues, it may cause loss of bone as well.


When you visit dentist, they perform some activities for diagnosis and root canal treatment.

These include:

●       First of all an X-ray is conducted to examine your tooth and identify decay or abscess.

●       Dentist put local anesthesia to give you painless Root Canal Treatment in Delhi. It is applied to the affected tooth to prevent you from any kinds of pain and discomfort.

●       Next procedure is pulpectomy in which dentist makes an opening in your tooth for removing the infected pulp.

●       Once the pulp is removed, it is refilled with a material known as gutta-percha. After that, the dentist seals them. There are many reputed dentists offering Root Canal Treatment in Delhi. It makes it possible for an infected or diseased tooth to be saved rather than having it removed. 
